
Where Australians can and can’t travel with an Australian Passport if you are unvaccinated

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This list is regularly being updated but right now, this is where Australians can and can’t travel with an Australian Passport if you are unvaccinated

Whether you agree with vaccinations or not, one thing is clear, if you want to travel the world you will need one.

The world will eventually have a uniform global vaccination passport, but for now the rules are all over the place depending on where you travel.

Many countries insist on a vaccine passport for entry, but it is not a requirement in restaurants or cultural institutions like museums and galleries. For unvaccinated travellers however, the list of countries they can visit is rapidly decreasing.

Australians can travel to America as well as England. Neither country require proof of vaccination for domestic travel at this time.

Australians can travel to America as well as England. Neither country require proof of vaccination for domestic travel at this time.
Australians can travel to America as well as England. Neither country require proof of vaccination for domestic travel at this time. Image by Jonathan Chang

There was a proposal for a vaccine passport in the UK for major indoor events and clubs and possibly restaurants, but that has not yet happened.

Most US states do not have a vaccine passport and there is no national mandate. However, Hawaii has a smart health card which is for residents rather than travellers, and the state government there is encouraging local businesses like restaurants, movie theatres, bars and gyms to insist people show it before entry. 

California has a digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record, San Francisco requires proof of vaccination for entry to most entertainment venues including bars, restaurants and gyms.

New Zealand is considering a vaccine passport to be introduced by the end of this year.

Singapore, a country the Australian government has continually said they will create a travel bubble with, has a vaccinated travel pass travellers can apply for, but only if they are coming in from Germany or Brunei at this stage.

Phuket is now open if travellers are from low risk countries and are fully vaccinated. Other islands including Koh Samui have similar rules. 

boat in ocean at a distance
Phuket is now open if travellers are from low risk countries and are fully vaccinated. Other islands including Koh Samui have similar rules. 

Canada requires a vaccine passport for entry, as well as to sit down and eat, drink or watch a show at most venues.

Israel is open to groups of five travellers or more who are all vaccinated, and you must be vaccinated to do just about everything from visit galleries and museums, restaurants, swimming pools, sport and cultural events.

European countries each have their own rules. 

Members of the EU have a covid-19 vaccine passport, as do member states within the 20 Schengen area countries, which includes Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Australia. But countries within the EU also have local versions. 

New York aerial shot
New York has some more complex rules as Astra Zeneca is not yet recognised in the US.

In France, it’s the COVID-19 Pass Sanitaire and in Italy it’s the Green Pass. The world is edging toward a common vaccine passport so foreign travellers can enjoy the same privileges as fully vaccinated locals.

Sweden requires a vaccine passport to enter the country.

Malta, a country with a high vaccination rate is refusing to let anyone in at all who is not vaccinated.

And Australia’s own vaccine passport.

The Federal government has said vaccine passports will be available from October 1 for fully vaccinated Australians. It will be linked to a QR code which is then linked to a passport. The Astra Zeneca Vaccine is not yet approved in the US, which may be a problem for Australians travelling to California and New York.

So right now, planning a trip if the boarders were open sounds complex. Things will become clearer as time passes, but the first step is opening our boarders and despite multiple airline announcements, the government remains tight lipped.

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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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