Dermaviduals have created a foundation for problem skin which is personalised to your skincare issues.
Deco is a makeup range by skincare brand Dermaviduals, which is designed to be an extension of their clean beauty skincare range.
It is based on the principals of their skincare which works to combat both minor and major skincare concerns. Unlike most foundations, all ingredients in Deco are anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and hydrating.
Dermaviduals products aim to nourish and protect the skin and help you look and feel beautiful, no matter what the skin issue is. Deco does the same thing as it is designed to be food for the skin and is specially formulated onsite, and personalised to your individual skincare concerns.
Founded and developed in Germany by Dr Hans Lautenschläger; an international leader in pharmacology and chemistry, the science of restoring and maintaining healthy skin is the principle of corneotherapy and the underlying foundation of Dermaviduals.
Corneotherapy is a remedial skin treatment methodology with its core principle being the repair and maintenance of the skin barrier defence systems.
Unlike anything else in the market, Deco Mineral Makeup; which is a medical-grade makeup range, has been designed for problem skin.
Many over the counter makeup brands have been tested on healthy skin, whereas Deco is tested on unhealthy skin.
This means, for anyone who suffers from skin concerns ranging from eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or rosacea, when using this revolutionary makeup, there is no risk of undoing any specific skin treatments being taken to help turn unhealthy skin to healthy skin.
So how does it work?
Clients undergoing skin treatments using Dermaviduals; whether for minor or major skin issues, are first colour-matched by their therapist using testers which have already been mixed up per a colour chart, which range from white to dark chocolate skin tones.
For example, if you have pale skin, then pink tones are used to soften the foundation to match your skin tone. If you are olive-skinned, then yellow or perhaps green will be used as a toner in the foundation, to create an appropriate match to your natural skin tone.
The base of the foundation is a white formula called DMS. DMS represents the mimicking process of skin cells on the face, using the natural oil and water components of the skin, replicating the different layers of the skin, to blend with your skin, rather than to simply cover your skin.
DMS is used in all the skincare products by Dermaviduals, including the Deco makeup range, as this revolutionary skin technology works to blend with your skin to help heal and protect, rather than to hide and cover.
This way, skin can breathe easy and heal and work to recover itself using the added ingredients within DMS. They are Jojoba oil to help prevent and heal blemishes and acne, as bacteria can’t grow in jojoba oil, Vitamin C which is great for collagen production and is a strong antioxidant for the skin, and vitamin E.
All ingredients in Deco are anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and super hydrating.
Ultimately, Deco foundation is skin food to help combat any skin concern, whilst also working to provide good coverage, keeping you naturally beautiful and feeling beautiful at the same time.
Deco Mineral Makeup range includes the foundation being their core product, a finishing powder, a bronzer, two different shades of blush and a variety of eyeliners in different shades.
Click here for more details on the Deco Makeup range by Dermaviduals.