
The Four Travel Photos Every Traveller Must Take

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There are four travel photos every traveller must take, whether it is beach, a city or simply a driving holiday in the country.

The Landmark Travel Photo

Every trip overseas, interstate or even just up the road should include a travel photo of a landmark or iconic sight. This could be a famous building, a natural wonder, or even a local landmark that has special meaning to you – or to the world.

To take a great travel landmark photo, you’ll need to find a good vantage point and frame the shot carefully. You may also want to use a tripod to keep your camera steady – ir if travelling solo, ask someone to help.

Here are some tips for taking great travel landmark photos:

  • Do your research and find the best vantage point (scrolling instagram is a good start).
  • Use a tripod or passer by to keep your camera steady.
  • Use a wide-angle lens to capture the whole scene.
  • Shoot during the golden hour for the best lighting.
A Classic Travel Photo: Luxury Hotel Consultant Renae in front of the landmark Opera House in Sydney.

The Celebrity Travel Landmark Photo: Angelina Jolie’s photo of the Taj Mahal is one of the most iconic travel photos ever taken.

2. The Travel Street Photo

Street photography is a great way to capture the real and everyday life of a place. This could be a photo of people walking down the street, a vendor selling food, or even just a local house or random act of kindness.

To take great street photos, you’ll need to be patient and observant. Be on the lookout for moments that are full of life and character. Once you’ve found a moment, be ready to snap the picture.

Here are some tips for taking great travel street photos:

  • Be patient and observant.
  • Shoot from the hip to capture natural moments.
  • Don’t be afraid to get close or to mix up the camera heights and angles.,
  • Be respectful of people’s privacy.

The Celebrity Travel Street Photo: Annie Leibovitz’s photo of a woman selling flowers in Morocco is a stunning example of street photography.

3. The Travel Food Photo

No trip overseas is complete without trying the local food, so take some pictures of your culinary adventures. Whether you’re eating street food, fine dining, or just grabbing a quick bite, capture the colours and flavours of your destination – and the interiors of the restaurants.

To take great food photos, you’ll need to make sure that the food is well-lit and that the colors are vibrant. You can also use props to add interest to your photos, such as utensils, napkins, or flowers.

Here are some tips for taking great travel food photos:

  • Use natural light whenever possible.
  • Fill the frame with the food.
  • Use a shallow depth of field to blur the background.
  • Get close-up shots of the details.

Celebrity Travel Food Photo: David Beckham’s photo of a plate of pasta carbonara is mouth-watering proof that food photography can be art.

4. The Travel Selfie

No trip overseas or anywhere is complete without a classic travel selfie. This is your chance to capture your own memories of the trip and your travel and to share them with your friends and family.

To take a great travel selfie, you’ll need to find a good location and frame the shot carefully. You may also want to use a timer or a selfie stick to get the perfect shot. And take a handful to make sure one is a great one.

Here are some tips for taking great travel selfies:

  • Find a good location with good lighting.
  • Frame the shot carefully.
  • Use a timer or a selfie stick to get the perfect shot.
  • Smile!

The Travel Celebrity Selfie: Ellen DeGeneres’s selfie with a group of A-list celebrities at the Oscars is one of the most famous selfies ever taken.

A Travel Photo: Group selfies can really capture a moment.
A Travel Photo: Group selfies can really capture a moment.
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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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