
Why Magnesium is the unsung hero of travel supplements

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Magnesium is the unsung hero of travel supplements, It is the most important vitamin to take when travelling. From jet lag to immunity, the benefits are multi faceted.

The impact of travel can be challenging, especially when it is long haul. A lot of travellers have struggled with jet lag since travel re-started, but magnesium could be the simple solution.

Magnesium plays a pivotal role in regulating our body’s circadian rhythms. When travelling long haul, our sleep patterns are easily disrupted. Supplementing with magnesium can help reset our internal clocks, meaning a far quicker adjustment to new time zones.

Magnesium is renowned for its muscle-relaxing properties, potentially alleviating such discomforts that can be brought on long periods of sitting around.

Magnesium is critical for many processes within the body. It helps muscles and nerves work and repair, balancing out blood pressure, something frequent flyers can struggle with.

Taken on a regular basis and at least 1 week before a long-haul trip, Magnesium will reduce stress levels, and even reduce inflammation in frequent flyers. It also supports a healthy nervous system, which is critical when combating the stresses of travel.

Muscle stiffness, digestion, Jet Lag, stress, immunity, and headaches are the key areas of wellness magnesium can help, all of which are important for travellers.

Humans require magnesium for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. it is also known to maintain regular nerve and muscle function, keep the heartbeat steady, and help bones remain strong.

As magnesium works within the body it can also assist in promoting the production of mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as melatonin and serotonin – critical for everyone and .particularly important for frequent flyers.

Magnesium is very helpful and even powerful when travelling.  

How to take magnesium

If you are a regular traveller, incorporating magnesium and some other supplements into your daily routine is a great way to reduce jet lag and ensure your immunity is up and that you have the best possible time away.

There are multiple ways to consume it, most commonly it is taken in liquid or tablet form.

Beginning to incorporate supplements like magnesium will make it easier on your body to travel, and it can take anywhere for 1-4 weeks to kick in and feel noticeable benefits. Consistency is key here to maintain a healthy storage of magnesium in the body.

Travel anywhere requires energy and good health.

Here are 5 reasons you should consider magnesium before travelling.

Decreased muscle cramps:

During long haul flights, long sedentary periods are spent sitting down. It is important to support muscles by promoting regular muscle and nerve function.

This can be achieved by either increasing your intake of magnesium water or taking daily supplements to ease muscle pain.

Improved digestion:

Everyone eats differently during travel. This can cause problems for the digestive system. Motion sickness, new foods, lack of access to fresh foods and long flights all contribute to digestive issues while travelling. With its natural laxative properties, magnesium can assist in maintaining regular bowel movements, ensuring you feel your best upon arrival

Improved sleep:

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of human life. One of the best ways to avoid jet lag, stress or getting sick is ensuring the body is well rested.

Magnesium helps to improve sleep. Magnesium during travel can assist insomnia symptoms and restore circadian rhythm for quality sleep.

Improved immunity:

In the lead up to any travel, boosting mineral intake can help support the immune system.

High levels of Magnesium supplements strengthen immunity, low magnesium levels can lead to a weaker immune response, which can lead to illnesses brought on by Exposure to foreign bacteria and viruses your body has never seen before.

Decrease stress to manage headaches/migraines:

Headaches and migraines are often more common during long trips, and magnesium can help reduce or even avoid these.

Magnesium reduces stress and can reduce headaches.

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