
The Siblings Behind One of Australia’s Best New Fashion Offerings – Picpoket

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Picpoket is a new online brand I can’t get enough of.

Founded by brother and sister team Renae and Mitch, PicPoket has fast become Australian’s go to online fashion shopping spot.

What inspired you to start Picpoket?
We have both always had a passion for fashion and Renae had always wanted to own her own boutique. We had spoken on countless occasions about starting our own clothing label but never did anything about it.

I (Mitch) was going to an event and wanted a shirt. We happened to be heading to Melbourne so while there I looked around for something suitable but no luck. I was then in Sydney so once again looked around but once again no luck. I also tried Newcastle and my local stores but still no luck.

The frustration finally got me to the point that I said to Renae, let’s stop talking about starting a fashion line and actually do something about it.
We started looking into it and decided that our first step should be to begin with an online store, stocking incredible Australian designers and so Picpoket was born.
I still haven’t found that shirt I was looking for but you never know what the future will bring.

What were you doing work-wise prior?
Renae: “Blowing shit up”, also known as being a shotfirer in the coal mines. Prior to this, I began my working life in the photography industry, way back when people wouldn’t know how a photo turned out until it was developed.
I would process and develop other people’s photos until one day I decided I wanted to be on the other end of the process and actually be taking photos. I then owned and operated my own photography studio for 5 years.

Mitch: The best part of my working life has been in marketing. For 8 years, I worked at a winery in the Hunter Valley looking after their marketing. I then started my own Marketing agency and operate this alongside of Picpoket.

Who is the Picpoket customer that you curate for?
Stylish and fashionable men and women who are looking for quality clothing by some of Australia’s leading designers.
Sociable, professionals.

What roles do each of you play in running Picpoket?
Renae is the “spender of money” aka the Fashion Buyer.
Mitch is the “maker of money” (or at least I attempt to) aka Marketing & Tech.

What has been the biggest challenge thus far with starting a new business?
As neither of us have previous experience with the online fashion industry, learning how it all works has been a big challenge. Discovering how we source the clothes, what quantities to order, what sizes to stock, how quickly will stock turn over and what styles sell best.
How do you decide which brands to feature on your website?

To us clothing isn’t just a necessity but they are an extension of who you are. They show the world a little bit of your personality. In fact, the right piece of clothing can change a person’s day. If a person feels good in what they are wearing they feel more confident about themselves. They stand a little taller, they walk a little bolder. And that is what we want when a person puts on a piece of clothing, we want them to know they look incredible and feel confident about themselves.

Therefore, we have 3 criteria that a brand must meet before they can join the Picpoket family; Quality, Value and Style. A brand’s clothing must be made from good quality materials to a high standard so that it looks and feels great. Plus, we look for pieces that have a little bit of uniqueness to them.

What are the biggest trend for this season?
This season is all about texture. We will be seeing velvet, lace, leather and sequins. Duster coats and utility shirts will be popular and there will be lots of belted waists.

Have you always been close, what is the age difference?
Yes, we have always been close. Having a 10 year age gap between us (Renae is the oldest) has probably helped with this.

What makes Picpoket unique?
At Picpoket, we believe fashion isn’t just about how you look but also how it makes you feel.
A new outfit can enhance a person’s confidence and self-esteem and we strive to make our customers feel the best they can.

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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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