Health and Fitness

Naked at 110 degrees below zero to look younger? YES! This is Cryo.

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Sounds more like torture than relaxation, but Cryo, the new Japanese health beauty and fitness trend is sweeping the world.

It’s called Cryo and it is a health treatment that helps with weight loss, muscle stress, is anti-ageing and gives you a huge energy burst. It can also help with your sleep.

Cryo started in Japan, as a medical treatment to help patients with rheumatoid arthritis and has since been used as a drug-free treatment alternative.

I road tested Cryo over 3 sessions, and this is what I found:

“I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself in for the first time I went to a Cryo session, but the whole setting is super professional and leaps ahead of a traditional beauty salon.

You are ushered into a white, clean private cubicle where the doors zoom open much like a spacecraft and a small TV screen pops up with a full explanation of the treatment you are about to have.

You strip off and into a robe, and after a few minutes the other side of the Cryo cubicle has remote doors that open and you step out to meet your therapist.

The Cryo unit itself is cylindrical with a door that pops open and cool nitrogen mist pouring out, again much like a space ship. It’s out there.

You wear gloves, warm socks and ugg boots, ( thank goodness) and any jewellery has to be taken off.

Once inside the Cryo “machine” it is confronting, as it is quite literally freezing ( for me it was -110 degrees), and you are recommended to stay in for 2 minutes the first time.

Like many things in life this is all about will power. You have to switch off your body’s reaction to scream and say ‘get me the heck out of here’ and just, well, go with it.

You can move around in the limited space, which helped me, and the therapist can count you down. You can also watch your body’s thermal reaction on a screen, as it works to keep the organs warm during the treatment and you can see the heat moving to the centre of your body.

Getting ready to enter into the Cryo Treatment room.


Cryo seemed to relax my muscles, and my face definitely looked refreshed – maybe younger. I felt super energised and refreshed. I liked it, and it is really quick, easy and non-invasive – tick.

It costs $90 a session. For more info, click here:


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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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