
Future Luxury Travel Trends in 2023 and Beyond.

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These are some of the future luxury travel trends for 2023 and even beyond.

What is the future of luxury travel? Despite challenging economic times, many industry experts say the elite will be taking travel to new heights in 2023.

These are some of the top 10 travel trends in luxury travel for 2023.

1) The rise of the ‘Solomoon’

The rise of the ‘solomoon’ is a trend that has seen an increase in popularity. The term ‘solomoon’ refers to a solo traveller who wants to have an authentic solo experience and not be limited by a group of people.

This change can be attributed to an increased desire for self-discovery and personal growth, which is fuelled by new forms of travel technology like social media and is also a product of the changes the world has undergone in the past 2-3 years.

While solomoons enjoy their time alone, they do not like loneliness. Often travelling without a partner or family member, they still want to feel connected to someone.  Solomoons are most attracted to locations which allow them independence from the crowd but with the opportunity for connection when desired. Popular locations are predicted to include Iceland, Rwanda, New Zealand, and Portugual.

Luxury Travellers want authentic experiences in 2023 and beyond.

2) There will be more demand for tailor-made itineraries

The travel industry is changing rapidly and these changes are impacting what wealthy travellers want. The elite generation, particularly millennials, are starting to take over the baby boomer travel market, with a focus on tailor-made itineraries that cater to their individual needs.

Millennials are demanding, and want everything just the way they want it. They are also more likely than other generations to travel with pets, who not only add a new dimension of care but also provide ongoing social media opportunities.

Solomoon travel (see above) is another trend that will become popular as baby boomers enter retirement and want experiences while they still can. Elite Travel companies such as VM Elite in Chile are already popping up to cater for this demand, and popular locations tend to be less known destinations such as Cusco, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba and Mexico.

Tailor made itineraries will be in demand as high end luxury travellers seek unique experiences.

3) We will see more ‘slow travel’.

The idea of ‘slow travel’ has been around for a few years, but it’s only recently that it has become more popular. Slow travel is all about taking your time, immersing yourself in a culture and experiencing everything you can before moving on to the next destination. In practical terms that means the European vacay with six different destinations in 3 weeks might only consist of one or two, but travellers lock in and get to know everything about that location.

The average age of slow travellers will be older, as this demographic want to see as much as they can before they get too old to enjoy it. Notable locations for this trend include India, Vietnam and South and Central America. Length of these trips are usually at least two weeks long.

Long hotel stays in hotels like The Emiliano in Rio De Janeiro will be popular.

4) A return to classic luxury hotels

There’s a trend of well heeled travellers returning to more classic luxury hotels, such as the Waldorf Astoria, Four Seasons and Dorchester Collection. Hotels are beginning to cater to older travellers and have amenities that will be beneficial to them such as large apartments within the hotel instead of tiny hotel rooms.

The F&B offerings in five star hotels are on the way up as they compete to keep travellers within the hotel so they do not want to leave for every meal. Celebrity chefs are in demand, as are more creative menus that include vegan and even pet food options.

Hotels are also expected to offer their own tours to local areas and to demonstrate how they are supporting and intergrated into the local community.

In addition, there is an increased emphasis on a hotel’s location, with many being located in the heart of a city reducing or eliminating the need for public transport or near major tourist attractions. Millennials are the ones flocking to these locations, whilst Baby Boomers are moving to those on the outskirts,

Further, some wealthy but older travellers opt for villas or condos instead of hotels because they provide a quieter environment away from city life.

The Pool at The Peninsula Tokyo.

5) Sustainable and eco-friendly travel will be even more of a priority

Sustainable and eco-friendly travel has become more popular and will continue to grow as an industry. Sustainable travel can be defined as any form of tourism that minimises negative impacts on the environment, and eco-friendly travel refers to modes of transportation which are environmentally friendly.

For many luxury travellers, these practices have become a priority because they not only help protect the planet but also have a positive impact on their wallets. A few examples of sustainable travel include using public transport instead of private cars and staying at hotels with energy efficient lighting systems or solar panels.

Eco-friendly means reducing or recycling waste, choosing organic foods when possible, avoiding plastic bottles instead using glass and limiting food packaging when possible.

Travellers want to choose the most eco-friendly hotel option possible; this includes taking advantage of green services like towel reuse programs and low-flush toilets. 

In addition, excessive packing is also changing, as travellers by bringing clothing that can be worn more than once before washing, plus avoiding disposable products such as tissues and toothbrushes, and making sure recyclables go into bins designated for recycling rather than trash cans.

Sustainability is going to be even more important for travellers.

6) Experience-led holidays will be more popular than ever

The most popular type of experince-led holidays are adventure-based, where travellers can go on safari or hike through the Amazon. These holidays are great because they provide a mix of physical and mental challenges and offer travellers a chance to learn about other cultures. They are also great bonding experiences.

Experince-led holidays will be more popular than ever in 2023 because we’re seeking more active vacations that make us feel like we’re making memories. These trips ensure we are always trying something new and out of our comfort zone.

It will not only be adventurers who head to South America: Another location in demand is South America – namely Peru, Argentina and Chile. That region has been getting lots of attention recently as an amazing destination that provides lots of foodie-friendly options (think vegan).

horses on the beach at Nihi Sumba in Indonesia
Experience led holidays such as these horses on the beach at Nihi Sumba in Indonesia will be hugely popular

7) There will be a renewed focus on health and wellbeing within luxury travel

Luxury travel in 2023 will focus on health and wellbeing with an increase in luxury wellness retreats and an increase in wellness offerings at every point of travel from airline lounges, on board aircrafts to hotels and even bars. There is a predicted boom in fitness tourism. Trips to Europe and Asia will have a renewed focus on wellness as more countries get on board with wellness tourism.

A clear divide will emerge between those who want to experience luxury and those who are looking for total detoxification, simplicity, and connection (although there will be plenty of overlap).

The ultimate, 21st-century luxury: all-inclusive programs that offer tailored exercise routines and mindful eating plans alongside activities such as kayaking or paddle boarding. Expect more trend-driven chefs launching new products with healthy ingredients like ancient grains or wild seaweeds.

A common thread among all restaurants and hotels:  All restaurants and hotels now provide their customers with a huge range of food choices.

There will be an increase in wellness offerings at every point of travel from airline lounges, on board aircrafts to hotels and even bars.

8) Luxury brands will increasingly partner with airlines, cruise ships and trains.

Luxury brands will increasingly partner with airlines, cruise ships and trains to create unique luxury experiences. From first-class lounges filled with wellness amenities , to your own personal chef, and beauty treatments on trains, these partnerships will revolutionise the way the elite travel.

All will soon be offering no or low alcohol drinks, high end vegan dishes and more flexibility to travel with pets.

Airline and train seats and first class carriages and seats will have increased technology and luxury blankets and accessories to make the journey even more personal and luxurious.

These new travel partnerships are changing the game when it comes to wellness and even safety.

Luxury Brands will partner with airlines, cruise ships and trains.

9) Technology will continue to transform the luxury travel industry

Over the next ten years, technology will continue to transform the travel industry. There are many new technologies that are expected to change how people travel, especially for those who can afford luxury. Technology advancements may come from an unexpected place – the aviation industry.

Major airlines have to compete with lowering costs of private jets, and are all investing in high-tech cabin suites, airplane seats with better legroom and multiple entertainment options like built-in Wi-Fi and movies. Airlines hope these innovations will entice passengers to buy premium tickets which cost a lot more than economy class tickets but offer greater comfort and convenience.

10) Virtual experiences will continue to grow in popularity

Ever since the launch of the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality head set launched in 2016 but now discontinued, virtual reality has been a growing trend in the travel space, but where is it going and how does it work?

VR can take travellers anywhere from the deep ocean to outer space and even into other people’s lives. Multiple companies around the world are creating different metaverse worlds where we will all be jetting off to from the comfort of our own lounge rooms.

It’s an experience that many are calling the next best and next big thing. One of the primary benefits of VR is not just what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears, but also what you feel. Touch, taste, and smell all come together to create an immersive world that doesn’t exist anywhere else but before you. And this immersive feeling is exactly why some travellers are turning away from traditional trips altogether: they prefer the kind of immersive experience they can only find through VR goggles and headsets.

Click here to book the ultimate futuristic getaway.

VR will allow us to travel anywhere, any time from our own homes.
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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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