
Frequent Flyer Points For Getting Fit? Yes

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An airline giving you frequent flyer points to help you hit your fitness goals? Yes!

It might sound too good to be true, but  it isn’t. Qantas will reward you for hitting your recommended daily 10,000 steps by giving you frequent flyer points.

Qantas says it’s easy – you set a goal of how many steps you want to do on a daily or weekly basis, whether walking, jogging or at the gym.

(The Heart Foundation of Australia suggests 10,000 steps per day as a good objective).

You can use your smart phone or fitbit to track your activities.

And here’s an insider tip – try to maximise your activity during the initial 28 day trial to earn as many points as possible (up to 1,500 over four weeks) as you’ll be earning at a higher rate during that period.

After that, unless you purchase a Qantas Assure insurance product, you’ll receive fewer points per day. But that’s not such a bad thing – you’ll still be earning points where you weren’t before, and what a great way to motivate yourself to do more fitness.

It’s likely you’re moving a lot in your day already, in which case you’ll essentially be earning free frequent flyer points without having to tinker with your daily routine at all.

If not, the temptation of easy points may be just the motivation you need to up your daily step count and get fitter in the process.

It caters to cycling at the same time, probably because so many men in the 35-plus age group fly Qantas.

You can have both a cycling and step goal and earn points double time, potentially up to 4.4 points for 50 km cycling and 20,000 steps per day.

You can add your friends and track their daily activity as well – perfect motivation to try to match or outdo their activity, or to keep an eye on your loved ones who might need some encouragement to up their daily step count.

Qantas Assure have teamed up with the Sydney Morning Herald Half-Marathon for a challenge for its users from 5 March to 20 May 2018.

If you hit 80,000 steps in a week, you earn at an increased rate of 100 points weekly – which can add up to 1,100 points over the total 11 week period. That’s a very doable 11,428 steps per day – so lace up your trainers, get active and get earning.

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