It’s the great debate that can tear new couples apart mid-flight – window or aisle. If you both want the window, you could be in trouble.
Psychologists have been debating what your airline seat choice says about you. Window or aisle. If you like an aisle seat, they say you could be an introvert (note to potential suitors, I am a window seat girl all the way).
University of Washington professor Jonathan Bricker, PhD, says those in the aisle seat may even feel uncomfortable in social situations; “You know you have the ability to get up and walk around without having to ask anyone or climb over your seat mate.”
But if you like the window, you may like being in your own little bubble.
The British newspaper The Telegraph published some fabulous quotes from psychologists this week about the subject.
Dr Becky Spelman Chief Psychologist from The Private Therapy Clinic in London; “Passengers who favour the window seat like to be in control, tend to take an ‘every man for themselves’ attitude towards life, and are often more easily irritable. They also like to ‘nest’ and prefer to exist in their own bubble.”
I’m owning it. I love the little bubble I sit in next to the window, and most particularly if I am with my twin children, 10, in which case we are in economy and cuddled up like three peas in a pod.
Behavioural Psychologist Jo Hemmings also from the UK, told The Telegraph; “Champions of the window seat tend to be more selfish, as well as less anxious, and they tend to be seasoned flyers who are more confident disturbing others.”
I’m taking that as a compliment. Time to book my window seat.