Health and Fitness

Chinese Detox: I Have Fasted for More Than One Week

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I haven’t done any exercise, been to the toilet, flossed my teeth or eaten anything for one week on this Chinese Detox.

Less than 2 weeks ago I embarked on a 2 week Chinese detox which involves no food, yes, you read right, absolutely no food at all.  Just herbs – black, repulsive herbs three times a day. The first few days were spectacularly difficult as my mind played tricks on me, throwing all kinds of food images in front of me. (I’ve been feeling a bit like the image above – confused.)

You can read about the first part of my chinese detox journey here.

The next few days have been a touch easier, this is my daily diary of the experience:

Day 6 on Chinese Detox: Now I know how Wonder Woman feels

I am so full of energy it’s incredible. I’m starting to think I really can do this. I feel empowered, and clear headed.

I had my first full night’s sleep since I started the Chinese detox- always helps. 

The daily walk past the bakery to the acupuncture sessions still kills me, but I can happily prepare food without wanting to eat it at all now. 

I’m starting to dislike the acupuncture – I’ve worked out it’s about 30 needles in my head, stomach and legs. They are starting to hurt when inserted. ‘Are they really doing anything?’ I find myself asking daily. I don’t know the answer.

And the worst thing? I’ve gained weight today? How can that be possible?

I can’t give up now. Not yet. 

Day 7: The food cravings have mostly ceased. My mind feels clear. Sharp. 

I spoke to the Chinese Doctor who said they have a problem with their scales which was why I gained weight on them yesterday. Phew.

But there’s a new problem today. I feel left out. I’m on the outside of the world looking in at everyone else having fun.  It’s like I’m not really living my life. I can’t go out with my friends & I’ve come to realise so much of life & social connection is based around food & alcohol.

I mean just imagine saying to an old friend: Hey, let’s catch up for a water & a walk. It will be amazing. It doesn’t have the same ring as “let’s go to Atavola for pasta & meatballs & a Pinot”. 

I guess this is what the very ill feel like. It’s no fun. I actually feel a bit down about it. I miss my old haunts, I know, I know, it has only been a week, but it feels like months. Deprivation is not easy. In fact it is painful.

 I haven’t been to the toilet (for number 2’s) in a week now. It’s so bizarre. I am almost sub-human. You don’t eat, you don’t use the toilet, makes sense. There’s no need to floss either. Fitness is out too.

I’ve become food obsessed but in a completely different way. I want to cook from morning to night. I’ve made 30 brownies, there’s cupcakes in the oven as  I write, and I’ve decided for dinner, the twins now need full three course meals. They are in shock – so am I.

I see food as more of a craft project – I want to create it, but I don’t want to eat it. It’s very bizarre, and I’ve read anorexics and people with serious food disorders go through a similar experience.

Now I am starting to worry I am bringing on a food disorder.. am I? I have lost 5 kilograms in 8 days. I feel like that is too much too soon. People are noticing. I’m starting to really doubt the detox.

Day 9: I googled ‘how to get off a fast’ and it sounds much more complicated than I thought. They say it takes four days before you can eat proper food?? After starving for 2 weeks?? I am about to go away and I am concerned about jet lag on top of getting off a fast. I might have to stop.

I’ve put a call through to the doctor. I don’t want to get off a Chinese Detox/fast and straight onto a long haul flight and another country with completely different foods. Maybe I should have thought of this before I started.

…to be continued..

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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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