
Australian Evan Burns Revolutionises Luxury Hospitality in Indonesia.A Must-Watch Interview on ‘Where To From Here’

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Unveiling the Future of Eco-Luxury in Indonesia’s Hotel Scene with Evan Burns Country Manager, Cross Hotels.

In a captivating new episode on the renowned YouTube channel ‘Where To From Here’, luxury hotel reviewer Renae Leith-Manos takes her audience on an insightful journey into the heart of Indonesia’s luxury hotel industry. The spotlight is on Evan Burns, the innovative Country Manager of Cross Hotels & Resorts Indonesia, a flourishing branch of the Flight Centre Travel Group.

This exclusive interview delves deep into the transformative strides made by Cross Hotels & Resorts under the adept leadership of Evan Burns. Viewers are invited to explore the intricate process of managing and expanding a luxury hotel chain in one of the world’s most picturesque destinations.

Cross Hotels Angker, Indonesia.

Burns, known for his forward-thinking and comprehensive approach, discusses the unique challenges and triumphs of elevating Cross Hotels & Resorts in Indonesia. He highlights the importance of sustainable practices and community involvement in the modern hospitality sector, revealing how these elements have been seamlessly woven into the fabric of the company’s ethos.

The story extends beyond professional achievements, offering a glimpse into Burns’ personal commitments to community causes. His involvement with Shuffle and Strides, an initiative promoting mental well-being, and the Bali Geckos, a local Australian football club, underscores his belief in the power of community unity and support.

Renae’s interview also showcases Cross Hotels & Resorts Indonesia’s impressive portfolio, from their exquisite beachfront villas in Bali to the serene properties in Lombok, each encapsulating luxury and authenticity. The upcoming Kaura at Manggis, Bali, is poised to be a hallmark of sustainable luxury, offering guests an immersive cultural experience.

Cross Hotels And Resorts

The piece concludes with a look at the latest venture, Cross Paasha Bali Seminyak, set to redefine luxury in the bustling heart of Seminyak. This partnership, as Burns and Cross Hotels & Resorts CEO Harry Thaliwal assert, symbolizes a new chapter of excellence and innovation in Indonesian hospitality.

As the luxury hotel reviewer, I urge readers not to miss this enlightening and engaging interview on ‘Where To From Here’. Evan Burns’ insights and visionary approach to luxury hospitality in Indonesia are a revelation for enthusiasts and professionals alike in the world of upscale travel and sustainable hotel management.

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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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