
6 Unique Places You Must Visit in Australia

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We tracked down 6 unique places in Australia you must add to your travel list.

Are you planning on booking a trip overseas to see some ancient marvels of the world? You may want to look on your front doorstep first here in Australia.

Australia truly is one of the most beautiful locations in the world. We have the Great Barrier Reef, The Great Ocean Road, The Nullarbor Plains, and the Great Australia-Bight.

What you might not know, is we also have a truly unique range of places to visit which even includes our very own UFO capital – if you’re into that kind of thing of course.

Check out our top 6 worth adding to your travel bucket list:

Pink Lakes:

There are 3 pink lakes in Western Australia, Lake Hillier, Spencer Lake and Hutt Lagoon. And at certain times of the year the water turns a lovely shade of bubble gum pink. Depending on the weather conditions, the lakes can vary from a lovely shade of mild lilac to a soft hue of pink. The different colours are the result of algae in the water which changes shades when the weather turns cool or gets too warm.

Aerial view of Lake Hillier, Middle Island near Esperance

Totem Pole:

The striking 65 metre sea stack known as Totem Pole can be seen from the Cape Hauy lookout in the Tasman National Park. The stability of Totem Pole is threatened due to erosion and one day it is expected to be destroyed entirely. The walk to the lookout is part of an 8km round trip and will take about 4 hours. 

If you pick the right time, you may even spot a daredevil climber attempting to conquer the pole before it disappears forever.

Umpherston Sink Hole:

Also known as the sunken garden, this magical place can be found at Mount Gambier where visitors can expect a picturesque landscape, similar to that of a children’s fantasy fairy garden. The garden was built in the remnants of a cave, where the ceiling collapsed due to limestone corrosion and created a sinkhole.

James Umpherston beautified the sinkhole in 1886. The garden is open every day and houses many cute little possums who come out to feed at dusk.

Coober Pedy – Underground City:

Coober Pedy is Australia’s opal capital of the world, producing an estimated 95 per cent of all the world’s opal. It is also located in the middle of the South Australian desert, which houses a lot of sandstorms, which drives the residents underground and protects them from the heat as well, which can reach up to 50 degrees in the middle of the day.

These homes – called “dugouts” – originate back to when the opal mining boom first began in 1917, where workers lived in tiny rooms underground while digging for opals.

Horizontal Falls

You’ve heard of vertical waterfalls, but have you heard about horizontal waterfalls? Located in the Kimberley region, the horizontal waterfall effect occurs as intense tidal currents are squeezed through two sets of extremely narrow coastal gorges that are part of the McLarty Rage.

The Horizontal Falls at Talbot Bay in the Buccaneer Archipelago is a unique phenomenon and known to be one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, unbeknown to many.

Wycliffe Well:

Probably the most particular place to visit, is Wycliffe Well, which is the self-proclaimed UFO Capital of Australia. You can’t miss it while driving along the Stuart Highway in the Northern Territory, as the roadhouse is a popular stopover for those road tripping through the outback and is filled with UFO memorabilia, including road signs and billboards to announce its location.

According to locals, hundreds of sightings have occurred at this location since WWII. Spooky.
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Rebecca dreams of sipping lattes and enjoying local wines in little boutique French cafes, off the beaten track, surrounded by villas and wineries, whilst she works on her fiction novel. She loves writing about travel and lifestyle, and dabbles frequently with new beauty treatments and products. She hopes to successfully run her own publication one day, but for now, she enjoys sharing her thoughts here on Renae's World about beauty and travel.

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