
5 Packing Mistakes to Avoid when Travelling

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Packing mistakes and how to avoid them when travelling.

It’s easy to over-pack when prepping for a holiday.

The urge to throw your entire wardrobe into your suitcase is hard to resist.

Avoid these five packing mistakes when prepping for travel:

  1. Pack smaller sized toiletries:

Packing full-sized lotions, shampoos and conditioners are heavy and take up precious space in your suitcase. Create a toiletry kit of smaller sized beauty items to help reduce the amount of weight you’re packing. If you’re travelling for a longer period of time, you can always stock up on larger products whilst away if needed.

  1. Travelling for a month, pack for a week:

You may be travelling for a month, but that doesn’t mean you have to pack an outfit for each day. Pack for seven days. You can always do a load of washing when needed. Also pack clothing in one or two colour ways which can be mixed and matched to create different looks, to stop you from overpacking too many tops and bottoms.

  1. Take 3 pairs of shoes:

Shoes are heavy, awkward and take up too much space in your suitcase. Keep to neutral colours like black, brown and grey which will work to suit any type of outfit. If you’re travelling into cold climate, pack one pair of boots which suits all your outfits, instead of three or four.

  1. Leave big books at home:

Look at purchasing a short story book for your travels, instead of a full novel. Full novels are heavy and awkward, and chances are you will never read the whole thing whilst exploring another country. Short stories are great, and you can leave the book on a park bench for someone else to read when you’re done.

  1. Leave jewellery at home:

There’s a cult craze in Europe at the moment where robbers are going into holiday mansions and stealing jewellery while people sleep – fact.

If it’s not something you wear everyday at home, then don’t pack it. Pack a set you are more likely to wear every day; which suits both a casual outfit and a dressy one, as you’ll more than likely never take it off, and pack a few cheap accessories.

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Rebecca dreams of sipping lattes and enjoying local wines in little boutique French cafes, off the beaten track, surrounded by villas and wineries, whilst she works on her fiction novel. She loves writing about travel and lifestyle, and dabbles frequently with new beauty treatments and products. She hopes to successfully run her own publication one day, but for now, she enjoys sharing her thoughts here on Renae's World about beauty and travel.

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