Spa and Beauty

This Week I Tried Hair Contouring by Loréal

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Yes, we’ve all tried facial contouring, now there’s Hair Contouring from Loréal.

When I was invited to the Luxe Dessange Paris Hair salon by Loréal Professionnal in Paddington to try Loréal’s new Hair Contouring, I couldn’t resist.

We’ve all heard of – and tried – facial contouring. But hair contouring? Sounds exciting, and it is.

Hair contouring is a hair colouring system where your face shape and features are anlalysed, and colour is applied to your hair to compliment every aspect of your face. This is what Hollywood stars have been having before the Oscars for years.

A hairdresser applies bespoke colour carefully, ensuring your best features are enhanced, others might be played down, and you walk away looking as gorgeous, fresh and revitalised as possible.

I first coloured my hair three years ago. Up until that time, I had never had colour in my hair. I know, it’s weird, especially for someone in the beauty industry, but I was always happy with my plain old dark brown hair.

However, I have certainly now come around to the advantages of some light colour on the ends, and have seen the huge difference it can make to my overall appearance, especially in warmer climates.

When I turned up at Dessange Paris, I was a bit nervous. My face was analysed by my Dessange colourist for its shape. In order to work out what shape your face is, you simply smile. – mine is round/square. This effects the placing of colour on the hair so that your face is framed in the most flattering way possible.

Your skin tone is also take into account, as your hair colour, (particularly if it is significantly changed) can have a dramatic effect on the way your skin looks and your overall appearance. I have had friends who have had to by a whole new wardrobe after a change of hair colour.

Your eye colour and any other pronounced features are also taken into consideration during the hair contouring process. Colour is then added to highlight or create depth in different areas of the hair as well as the face.

I was told a combination of high and lowlights would best flatter my face in different thicknesses from roots to ends. The whole process was actually very relaxing. I was pleasantly surprised to be in and out of the salon in about 90 minutes, that’s with a blow dry. And the colour didn’t have that overbearing chemical smell you are sometimes left with. This was very pleasant.

I emerged feeling rejuvenated, and certainly ready for summer. This is a brilliant way for anyone reticent about colour to ensure they get the best Loréal Professionnel colour possible or for anyone looking for a change or just to look as amazing as they can.

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Renae elegantly traverses the globe, curating the most exquisite personalised travel, dining, and wellness experiences for discerning women. With over 25 years of distinguished journalism, her work has illuminated the pages of prestigious magazines, newspapers, and digital platforms. Renae’s expertise transcends travel writing; she is a coveted speaker and coach within the luxury hotel industry. Balancing her professional pursuits with a delightful contradiction—a passion for fitness and an indulgence in dark chocolate—Renae infuses a unique blend of authority and Australian charm into the realm of luxury travel.

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